Research & Faculty Publications

- Principal Investigator: Dr. Nidhi Gupta, Co-Investigator: Dr. Manjiri Acharya
- Name of the agency from which the assistance was approved: UGC Minor Research Project, 2002-2004.
- Sanction letter No. and date under which the assistance was approved: No. F>NO.47-142/2002 (WRO) dated 13th Dec. 2002.
- Amount approved : Rs. 25000/-
- Title of the project for which assistance was approved: Awareness Generation and Food Adulteration Detection among Selected Group.
- Principal Investigator: Dr. Nidhi Gupta Co-Investigator: Ms. Naina Patel, Dr. Devika Thakker
- Name of the agency from which the assistance was approved: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi, 2005-2008, assisted by World bank.
- Sanction letter No. and date under which the assistance was approved: No. WB/FS/3 dated 07th March 2005.
- Amount approved : Rs. 935,000/-
Title of the project for which assistance was approved: Capacity building project on Street food services
- Principal Investigator: Dr. Nidhi Gupta
- Name of the agency from which the assistance was approved: UGC Minor Research Project, 2010-2012.
- Sanction letter No. and date under which the assistance was approved: File No. 47-1604/10 (WRO) dated 14th Oct. 2010.
- Amount approved : Rs. 50000/-
- Title of the project for which assistance was approved: Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction for their Broadband and Internet Service Providers (ISO) – An Exploratory Study.
- Principal Investigator: Ms.Kalpana Srivastava
- Name of the agency from which the assistance was approved: UGC Minor Research Project, 2010-2012.
- Sanction letter No. and date under which the assistance was approved: No. File NO.47-1598/10 (WRO) dated 14th Oct. 2010.
- Amount approved: >Rs. 1,15000/-
- Title of the project for which assistance was approved: “A Study on Role of Women in Recycling Household Waste with Specific Reference to Vallabh VidyaNagar in Anand District of Gujarat.”
- Principal Investigator: Mr. Yogesh Vadwala
- Name of the agency from which the assistance was approved:UGC Minor Research Project, 2012-2014.
- Sanction letter No. and date under which the assistance was approved:File No. 47-1981/10 (WRO) dated 22/02/2012.
- Amount approved and utilized: Rs. 75000/-
- Title of the project for which assistance was approved:
- Principal Investigator: Dr. Nidhi Gupta Co-Investigator: Ms. Padmaja Puppala
- Name of the agency from which the assistance was approved:UGC Major Research Project, 2013-2016.
- Amount approved:Rs. 13,00,000/- (approx.)
- Title of the project for which assistance was approved:Ergonomical Choices for Energizing Women in MGNREGs
- Name :- Ms. Sushma Batra
- Title :- “Biomedical Waste Management by Primary Health Care Providers of Anand”.
- Funded by :- UGC
- Total Grant:- ` 1,10,000/-
- Duration & year :- 2 years [2013-2015]
- Letter No. :- 47-048/12[WRO] dated 21st March 2013
- Name :- Ms. Trusha Kirit Lad.
- Title :- “Study of Pesticide Residue Levels and Effectiveness of Common Food Processing Techniques in Reducing the Pesticide Residue Levels in Vegetables Available in the Markets of Anand City of Gujarat."
- Funded by :- UGC
- Total Grant:- Rs. 90,000/-
- Duration & year :- 2 years [2013-2015]
- Letter No. :- 47-546/12 [WRO] dated 24th May 2013.
- Name :- Ms. Bhavana Chauhan
- Title :- “March from Red is Green zone”
- Duration & year :- Continuing from 2012