Dahiba P.T. Patel Library
Our campus features a state-of-the-art RFID library named the Dahiba P.T. Patel Library. This well-updated and well-equipped facility houses over 10,638 books spanning all subjects from various departments, along with literature, competitive exam preparation, skill enhancement books, and numerous other resources. The library offers nearly 38 types of journals and periodicals, and provides 5 different newspapers daily. Fully automated with SOUL software, the library occupies 3,187.599 square feet, including a reference room and a reading room. Both students and staff extensively utilize the library, which also provides internet facilities.

Library Rules and Regulations
Late Fines
Late Return of Books and Other Materials
- Users will be charged a fine of Rs 10/- per book/item per day for late returns.
- No new books will be issued if a previously borrowed book is overdue.
Exam Period Regulations
During exams, students who do not return books on time will be prohibited from taking their exam paper.
Book Bank Returns
Books issued from the book bank must be returned on the last day of exams. Failure to do so will result in fines as per the rules, and the student's results will be withheld.
Material Authorization
- The removal of any material from the library must be properly authorized and recorded.
- Damage to, or unauthorized removal of, library material is a serious offense and may result in fines or disciplinary action.
Deferred Exam Results
Exam results may be withheld until all borrowed books are returned and any outstanding fines or charges are paid.
Loss of Library Cards
- Replacement of Lost Cards
- In case of a lost library card, a duplicate can be issued upon filling out the prescribed form and paying a fee of Rs. 100/-.
Loss of Books or Other Reading Materials
- Reporting and Replacement
- Users must report the loss of books or other reading materials to the librarian immediately.
- The user must either replace the lost item with the latest edition available or pay the cost of the lost item plus 25%.
- Failure to do so will result in the withholding of the caution money or library deposit according to the rules.
Best Practices of the Library
Scholar's Card
• Awarded to the first five rank holders of FY & SY B.Sc. Home Science.
Student Representation
• Student representatives are included in the Library Committee.
Book Club
• Operates in collaboration with the Literary Club of the institute.
The Library Committee
Names of the member
Dr. Bhavana Chauhan
Mr. Ishwar Patel
Teacher member
Dr. Harbindar Kaur
Student member
Library Secretary of respective year